In the recent years the chestnut was sick (there are some pests which destroyed the trees). But in this year they put special bands on the trunks of many trees in Nowy Sacz (you can see it when enlarge the photo) and it seems to be that it works! All the trees with these bands are green and are blooming very beautiful:)
It is also our post #100:)
Ale dostojnie wygląda! Gratulacje z okazji setnego postu. Myśmy chyba swój przegapili...
I have never seen such a big one.
Oh wow, it's huge and so beautiful! Happy 100th post!
Przepiękny! A jak musi pachnieć! Gratuluję wytrwałości w blogowaniu i życzę Wam kolejnych setek postów. Pozdrawiam serdecznie!
U nas też takie zakładają.
No i ładny zwyczaj -- u nas typowy odruch to umawianie się pod zegarem na dworcu (za to można dość swobodnie wybierać miejsce dworca w całej Europie ;) ).
Gratuluję setnego wpisu!
Gratuluję setnego postu i życzę następnych stu:)
kasztanowiec przepiękny!!!
Dear friends m2!
I need to confess I didn't know this tree.I'm fascinated for this beautiful "chestnut tree " and I made a promisse now...One day if we have the wonderful opportunity, Cezar and I visiting your city "I will kiss him under the tree!"
Léia :-)
congrats for your 100th post!
Hello M_M, I just found your blog and I think it's great. I must confess before I found your blog I had never heard of your beautiful city. Now I hope to see it in person someday.
Congrats on #100. I still need many more to hit that milestone:-)
Your newest follower James.
Great shot!
What a big tree.
That has go to be one of the biggest chestnut trees I've ever seen. It's gorgeous! What a treasure for your city. I hope it stays healthy!
Congratulations, too, on your 100th post!
Good grief, that is huge! I'm so glad they managed to treat the infection.
Here's to the next 100s!
That tree is enormous. I wouldn't want to be the person who rakes up all the fallen leaves. Congratulations on you 100th!!!
Congratulations M&M on 100 excellent posts! Your photography is so interesting and so lovely.
PS - the tree and the city/town hall in the background are both simply amazing creations.
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