April 13, 2009

Wet Monday

Today is the Wet Monday ('Lany Poniedzialek'), more about how this day looks like in Poland you can find here.
In the photo there is the fountain on Nowy Sacz's town square. On the left you can notice the townhall and the statue of the Pope John Paul II. In the background there is also the palm.


Arnaud said...

Nice shot !! i like the bird in the middle!

Lowell said...

That square is very striking. So much to see and do. I can imagine it is often crowded!

Nicely-composed photo!

joo said...

Serdecznie dziękuję:) i oczywiście gratuluję Wam nagrody.
Super zdjęcie - świetny jest ten gołąb nad fontanną. A tak przy okazji to czy ta fontanna jest tam od dawna? Jakoś jej nie kojarzę:(

Hilda said...

There is so much going on here, I love it! I like the fountain, the palm, and just about everything in your town square. I can spend hours just staring at things here!

Congratulations of your award! I find it so funny but very nice too — but you forgot to put in the important text, the reason why it's called 'zombie chicken.'

Juergen Kuehn said...

It seems as a image from a wonderful summer day. See that you have a great Ester weather, too. Do you have in Poland holiday today?

Anonymous said...

A really great capture - and the bird in flight in the center of the photo makes it even more special!

crocrodyl said...

@Joo - kiedyś w tym miejscu była stara fontanna, niestety ząb czasu nadgryzł ją na tyle skutecznie, że nie działała od lat, poza tym wyglądała upiornie:) Ta obecna na dzisiejszym zdjęciu pojawiła się na Rynku 2,3 lata temu.

@Juergen - Fortunately - yes, we have:)

Cezar and Léia said...

Great post and congratulations for the award!
God bless you

VP said...

This image is wonderful and the flying bird in middle is incredible.
Thank you very much for the award, it has a bit... weird name!

Joy said...

So do you dunk people in the fountain?

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Dobrawka said...

MERCI za wyróżnienie :)Mam nadzieję, że klątwa kurczaków już nie działa po Wielkanocy... Pozdrawiam serdecznie!